Friday, June 29, 2012

Tools required for making propellant

Now that we know the major components of our rocket, it is time to make them.

First, we will make the propellant. Before beginning, gather all the required tools.

You will need : a ball mill or just a mortar and a pestle. The ball mill is less tiring but more costly. Those tools are required to crush the chemicals in fine powder.

It is very important that your powder is the finest possible. The reaction and burn rate will be faster and continuous.

You will also need some kind of resin to shape the propellant but you can also gently melt the different component in a pan. But you will need a hot plate instead  (less dangerous than gas stove because there is no open flame).There are resin like dextrin, Parlon that are great for making stars in pyrotechnics.
Some composition needs to be binded with a resin because they can't be melted (e.g too dangerous or decomposes before).

And, of course, you will need the chemicals. It's different for each propellant so they will be listed on each post.

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